donderdag 16 juli 2015

ArtZuid 2015

This sculpture is part of the "ArtZuid 2015" exhibition in Amsterdam, Every other year a  2,5- kilometre route is created in the south part of Amsterdam, to stroll along a showcase for sculptures in the open air. This one is made by American artist "KAWS"(1974) a pseudonym for graffiti artist Brian Donelly who left his "tags"- the signature symbol of a graffiti artist- in the streets of New York. These tags  consisted of cartoon figures on paper which he pasted over existing billboards.

When he went to work as an illustrator in Japan, he was able to have three-dimensional versions of his cartoon-like figures. I showed you another one of him a while ago "here", they are all "Micky Mouse-like" large figures.

Not all the sculptures are appealing to me but this one by German artist Georg Herold is titled "Heyday" and represents for me the return of the summerdays here after a few rainy days!

13 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the joyful spirit of the sculpture in the last photo.

  2. You are so lucky to have displays like this in you city.

  3. You have great "avenue" with arts there, you lucky.

  4. Love those huge sculptures. Enjoy the festival, hope you post some more photos of the other scultpures.

  5. Hello, Cool sculptures, what a neat exhibit. Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

  6. I love the idea of a route like that one!

  7. The first two are definitely a different style. However I really like the enrery in the last figure.

  8. What a great place to display it...and your weather looks good.

  9. Looks like you have nice summer days.
    I like the HEYDAY sculpture the most.
