woensdag 12 oktober 2011

Amsterdam Cat

I am in a cat-mood, this week we get a new cat!  This one was enjoying the sunshine on the pavement with a friend when a dog came by and he decided to walk away quickly. The bollard with three crosses we call an "Amsterdammertje"  and is placed along the sidewalk of canals in long lines to prevent cars parking there. The three crosses refer to the Amsterdam  Coat of Arms.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat leuk dat je weer een kat neemt, een kleintje? Ik ben benieuwd naar de eerste foto!
    Mooie foto's van Antwerpen en het museum MAS!

  2. i like how hes walking!
    enjoy your new cat and im also waiting for the first picture!!
    (just this weekend we realized here you hardly see any cats, i think mostly because people keep them always inside. i think for example at our apartment complex it is not allowed to let your cat outside. they are very strict. you also have to pay a fee, and monthly rent for each pet, here i think 35 dollars/cat/month)

  3. Congratulations on getting your new cat!

  4. CaT,
    Yes I read it once that they act so strickt in US about cats and dogs. The land of freedom has many rules about that. 35 dollars a month is very much, the cat rents the apartment in their opinion?
