woensdag 30 januari 2013

Working city

Building a new bridge in a canal in Amsterdam is working with a lack of space for all the machines they need.

You must be fearless to ride that crane.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Incredible that the bridge stays up?!!!

  2. It is indeed amazing when men/women, technology and machinery can do - I see how close the buildings are on each side of the canal and it amazes me how complicated this would be. WOW - and BTW, great photos.

  3. Ja, groot respect. Elke centimeter wordt benut.

  4. The Dutch seem to be quite talented at creating space where there is none!

  5. I had never thought of the challenges to build bridges over canals or for that matter that the canals were crossed. The density of the buildings in the background is amazing.

  6. Big cities always seem to be in the process of change, you're right about the being brave thing Marianne, I couldn't do it.
