woensdag 13 maart 2013

Cold Nanny

She looked so cold this nanny in Amsterdam, she seems from Asia to me.There are a lot of Philippine nannies here to look after children of working couples. The weather was so freezing the last couple of days. After a few days of spring with sudden temperatures of 15 degrees C, the winter came back with -3 C below zero and very cold winds, it felt like -11 C. 
Two records have been broken now,  one day of 24 hours nonstop rainfall March 9, and the cold on March 11, both had never happend before here. Now the temperatures are rising again so we keep our fingers crossed.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. A pleasant 70F (21C) here in the North Bay area of California, but don't think you wanted to read that.

  2. mooi shot, door het fietsen krijgt ze het warm. Groetjes, Dietmut

  3. Mooie foto. Ik zie ook een glimlach op haar gezicht.

  4. she looks cute!
    and thats so dutch.. :)

  5. Lekker zo in die bakfiets, die kinderen zullen toch wel koud worden zo.

  6. Sure does look cold ~ Great photo, though ^_^

    Thanks for 'visiting' ~ enjoy ^_^

  7. Your cold? Okay. Your rain? okay. But the Nanny. the contraption she's riding with four kids in a box is an interesting vehicle.

  8. A lovely capture of the Nanny and her charges ..... I'm wondering what the word "Babboe" means written on the back of the little red cart.

  9. Red,
    That is quite famliar here to transport your children to school and is called a carrier cycle.

    Babboe is the name of the manufacturer.

  10. Oh that is such a cute image Marianne and what a good way to keep three children all in the same spot at the same time :) hope the temp keeps rising.

  11. I hope that the weather warms up for everyone, nannies included!

  12. We've had records too. Weather on steroids. At last the rain has stopped the sun is out and temperatures like mid summer again.
