zaterdag 14 februari 2015

I-Pad Cat

Sofietje is very interested in the modern media. She likes to watch television but has now discovered the I-Pad. She watches moving images and the swapping movements of SC.

I also want to play!

Ok, you win, have a look.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik heb een hond die regelmatig op mijn ipad staat.


  2. Ha! I thought, I thought s.c. was going to say, "Ok, you win, TAKE the I-Pad." :-) That's one very smart cat.

  3. You have a very smart cat and a patient husband! Happy Valentine's Day to you. For the next two weeks I'll be sunning in Mazatlán, México and blogging from there. I invite you to come visit me at

  4. That is so cute! I love the look on Sofietje's face.

  5. ha,ha I love it. I opened a video of a dog howling (actually many of them) and Jack was sitting on my lap looking, twisting her head this way and that with a little throaty noise coming outta her once in a while. I just kept playing them and she kept watching. I once put the "Marley and Me" Movie on and Jack lay on the carpet and watched the whole thing. Amazing pets, eh. Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. So cute Marianne. Love the kitty, and wish you a happy Valentine's Day.

  7. Sinbad has little interest. Just wants me to pay attention to him instead of that "thing" so he proceeds to get between me and "it".

  8. Animals can be taught many very surprising things. Next thing you know the cat will win the game.

  9. She is such an adorable cat. I remember my parents had two cats, and they would respond to one DVD, the documentary Winged Migration. They'd sit there staring at images of birds flying and calling out, totally transfixed.

  10. Dearest Marianne,
    Sofietje is so cute and very much interested in the iPad; a smart cat!
    Wishing you a nice ending of the Valentine's Day weekend.

  11. I think Sofietje is showing S.C. some iPad tricks. :-)

  12. you make me smile ! my cat does the same !
