dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Amsterdam Canals

Another view of the canals in Amsterdam.The two cars on the bridge belong to an electricity company working on some cables in the ground. There have been several blackouts recently in the innercity.

Here a view from the other side. The ships are former barges but now used as houseboats.
Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Mais duas belas fotografias dessa lindíssima cidade.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  2. I am fascinated with arched bridges. They are a rare sight here.

  3. The architecture in your city is so beautiful! One of my many fantasies is to spend a summer on a houseboat in Europe.

  4. Well, I am fascinated by house boats, especially a barge conversion. Seems like an interesting lifestyle.

  5. Gosh you live in a very beautiful city Marianne. The canals always seem so busy, always lots of to-ing and fro-ing. I wonder what it would be like to live on a houseboat!

  6. Dit soort foto's geven goed de sfeer weer in de stad. Zelf zijn we er zo gauw aan gewend maar door de reacties van iedereen ga je er toch anders naar kijken. Heb jij dat ook?

    1. Door je blog leer je op een andere manier naar je stad te kijken inderdaad en het leven dat we hier leiden. Zoals met het fietsen hier, daar kreeg ik zo vaak vreemde reacties op dat ik het maar eens heb uitgelegd dat het gewoon een gebruiksvoorwerp is hier.

  7. I think I could just stand for hours watching the activity on your canals.

  8. The thunderstorm we had a few nights ago temporarily knocked out power to some 10,000 residences and businesses. Glad there are folks out there working to restore service.

  9. I have always wondered what it would be like to live on one of those houseboats.

  10. I remember seeing houseboats for sale in Amsterdam and they cost as much as apartments. Phew!!!

  11. Love these photos. You live in such a beautiful area.

  12. This view I could look no matter how long.. lovely.
    I can see the car is parked facing each other. Here in Finland it is not possible.
