maandag 1 augustus 2016

Monday Mural

I noticed this colourful mural on a house opposite the tram shed in Amsterdam. It is made by Brazilian artist "Rimon Guimaraes" who has painted murals across the world. More about him on his website "here" Linking to "Monday Murals"

Because of the trees I couldn't get a good view at the image but on internet I found this picture and I can see now it is a person leaning forwards.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Definitely a great and colourful mural! Who commissions these murals for your city?

  2. It's huge and colourful, I like it!

  3. Fantastic Marianne! I checked out the link, love his work, would be so cool if he came to Perth and painted one of these large scale works.

  4. Fresh Art - and a wonderful photo, B

  5. Wow....this is bold and beautiful!
    Thanks for the link to his website.

  6. Dearest Marianne,
    Often there are obstructions nearby but the Internet photo clarified that!
    It is quite tall though!

  7. wow- that certainly brightens up the street!

  8. I think about how much paint that took to do.

  9. I am so glad you posted the picture from the internet. I enlarged and enlarged the photo trying to figure out what was arms and what was head. The legs were easy to pick out. What a fabulous artist, and I think you really did a good job taking this picture with the trees in your way. My wonder is how long did it take him to paint this. I am going to have to go to his website and read more about him. genie

  10. That's a very striking mual. Lots of action in it.

  11. You could almost guess that the mural was painted by a Brazilian - it is full of vibrant colours and rhythm and action.

  12. That one is a teaser. It took me a while to work out what it was.

  13. Vibrant colors and BIG, I wonder how they did to paint it...
