zondag 25 september 2016

Transport in Amsterdam

In addition to taxis you can make use of alternitive forms of passenger transport as horse-drawn carriages

and bike taxis. They provibe a good complement to public transport. It is small and fun for tourists and perfect for short trips around town.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes... much more fun that a taxi and more educational.

  2. Aimee and I had a ride in a horse drawn coach in Cairo, was fun.. around Amsterdam would be incredible also. I think I might feel a little guilty if someone was having to pull me around cycling on a bike ☺☺

  3. I love riding in a horse drawn carriage.

  4. I would choose the horse and carriage!

  5. Ha! I wonder if I could hang my bike on the back of the carriage like I can on our buses here. :-)

  6. I like how his pants read "training". Perhaps he was.

  7. What I like about your photos is that there are no cars.

  8. With the number of people in your photo, there certainly are enough potential customers!
