dinsdag 13 december 2016

Parked bike

Yesterday some of you had questions about bicycles dumped into the canals in Amsterdam. Well here you see what can happen with your bike when some jokers come along. In this case the owner had it fortunately fastened to the bridge otherwise it had disappeared, stolen  or dumped into the water.
There are lots of drunken noisy partygoers from outside the city walking  around in the city centre in the evening to the horror of the residents. The City Council has promised to take action against the nuisance. Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Muito curioso a maneira de estacionar esta bicicleta.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  2. Goed voorbeeld. Laat iedereen van een ander z'n spullen afblijven.

  3. There are so many idiots around these days who think they are so funny.

  4. Gosh that's terrible Marianne. It annoys me so much when people take or interfere with other people's property!

  5. Good gracious- that should be stopped pronto! SOme people have become so crude and hateful.

  6. That is just awful. I hope they can do something about that bad behavior.

  7. Yikes! The owner of fhat bike will be very happy it did not go into the water.

  8. Living in Waikiki was very noisy for the same reason!

  9. Sad tat people abuse alcohol and can't leave people's belongings alone.

  10. Beware of politicians making promises. :)

  11. Well now that's something you don't see every day.

  12. Yes, it is a shame for people to act like this and back in our younger days, nobody would even think about doing something like this. I think my worst act was to ring someone's door bell and hide in the bushes or behind a tree and giggle like an idiot.....until we got caught one night. My Mother let me think about that in my room for a few days. However, to disrespect someone's personal property is just shameful....it happens here too.
