woensdag 12 juli 2017


This is the "Curved elbow alley" in Amsterdam. Can't find any explanation about the name, but I suppose it has to do with the curve of the alley. The streetnames in the centre are all very old and people in earlier times mostly indicated the streets with a clear simple name.
Linking to "signs, signs 2"

13 opmerkingen:

  1. In Coevorden (waar ik ooit woonde) is er ook één maar dat was de 'Kromme Elleboogsteeg', dus net iets anders. Leuk die oude namen.

  2. The Dutch are always so practical. :)

  3. Hmm, makes me wonder what name I could give my street.

  4. I also think we should honor the old names and use them.

  5. Clear, simple names make more sense than some of our naming practices for streets nowadays - some are haphazard at best!

  6. Oh that is so cool as I used live next to a cafe called "de kromme elleboog"
