donderdag 31 mei 2018


Today some snaphots I made at the Rolling Kitchens festival in Amsterdam a few weeks ago at May 11th.

I had a lot of photos I had not yet posted.

It was one of the first warm days we had and since then it feels it is getting hotter every day  with temperatures from 30 C degrees to 36 C. (86-96F).  I don't complain, but it worries me sometimes this global warming, where this will end.

It is rather unusual for our country at this time of the year and records are broken every day. The day before yesterday we had a heavy thunderstorm with loads of rainfalls and damages.

But today another hot day with thunderstorms predicted....

13 opmerkingen:

  1. I haven't had cheese fondue for many years and I think I would like some! We call them food trucks and they are quite popular here, too. No cheese fondue available though!

    1. We often eat it at home, we both still like it very much. It was very popular in the seventies I think, it came from Switzerland.

  2. This is my kind of outing!

    I love churros!

    : )

  3. Looks like fun Marianne, so many out and about! I worry about the weather changes also, they seem really extreme.

  4. This is certainly a popular event. Stay safe from those thunderstorms!

  5. Cheese fondue would suit me.

    We do tend to get days that hot here. My grandparents were used to it when they went back to the Netherlands one year for a visit, and there was a heat wave. It was bad enough that people were dying of the heat.

  6. En de zomer is nog niet eens begonnen..
    Het festival had over belangstelling niet te klagen!

  7. I love these outdoor food festivals!

    I noticed some of the signs are in English. Vegan Food cart...Cheese Fondue... Why not in Dutch?

    1. English seems to take over dutch here. Under influence of internet and social media, dutch threathens to disappaer.

  8. Crazy weather everywhere it seems!

  9. I don't like hot weather. 30 C is much too hot.

  10.'s been bad here, too, but no breaking records. That is very...depressing.
