zaterdag 25 augustus 2018


This old house in Amsterdam was damaged by the construction of the new underground. The row of houses began to sag and people had to leave there homes inmediately. After 4 years they are repaired now, and  the Metro is driving underground. But the damage is still visible  when you look at the slanted windows.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. How awful to have to leave your home immediately because the floor is suddenly rolling! It's good fthey repaired them and didn't tear them down though.

  2. I thought the windows looked slightly askew Marianne ☺ Must be a wee bit weird knowing the underground is happening beneath you! Thanks for the sunshine, hope you are enjoying the rain 😉

  3. I thought it was my eyes for a moment there.

  4. I hope they got a lot of money for the damage to the building!

  5. Now that you mention it, yes, I can see that.

  6. Yes, the windows seem to be out of place a bit. How sad the people had to leave their homes.

  7. It's good the houses were repaired, must have been hard for the families to move out for 4 years.
    Have a lovely Sunday Marianne.

  8. Thank you for the good and useful information that is shared to everyone. It's a great place to be and a great photo.

  9. too bad about the damage...but it is an interesting building!
