zaterdag 8 september 2018


At the Harbour Days in Almere you could have a tour on this historical boat  named "Jan van der Heyde". It used to be a fireboat in Amsterdam which could help to extinguish a fire in a canal house in the narrow historical centre with water from the canal.

Here you can see the fire pump on deck at the left. I can remember I have seen the boat in action when I was a child living in Amsterdam. 

Here a fireman in an old costume and helmet. The boat is now part of a museum in Almere.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. For me, something like that would be educational and exciting.

  2. What a memory Marianne. Are there more modern fire boats these days, it seems like the perfect position to fight canal side fires, a plentiful supply of water!

    1. Yes there are modern boats now, hubby has been on one some time ago as he knew the captain. They have cabins that can sink down to cross under low bridges.

  3. How interesting. I didn't know there was such a thing as a fire boat but it makes sense with your system of waterways.

  4. Very interesting. I would love a tour!

  5. Wat leuk. De boot is goed onderhouden!

  6. It's well kept up, as you expect given its current use.

  7. Well, it certainly had ready access to lots of water.

  8. I bet there are lots of people who have taken the tour, it would be very interesting to experience it.

  9. Now that would be an interesting tour!

  10. Good that they kept this boat so we could see what things used to be like.

  11. A beautiful boat. Its scary when we remember seeing things being used which are now in museums.
