zaterdag 13 oktober 2018


I was at the "Foundation AAP" in Almere where primates and other excotic mammels get a better future when they are rescued from bad conditions.

The monkeys were all enjoying the beautiful weather we have at the moment. I like to watch them, they always have some human traits. My attention was attracted to the two at the left above.

One was very relaxed  stretched out on his back and the other was picking his fleas.

It was so sweet to watch how dedicated he was treating him.
Linking to "Saturday Critters"

16 opmerkingen:

  1. I always enjoy watching too. They look like they like to unseasonal weather.

  2. They are always a big attraction at my local zoo.

  3. Hello, it is great these monkeys have been rescued. It is neat seeing their interactions with each other. I would enjoy watching them. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  4. It's good that such places are around to take care of them.

  5. altijd een genoegen om dit te zien

    gelukkig worden ze hier goed verzorgt

    knappe foto's Marianne

  6. I love them! How good people can be rescuing them.

  7. They always seem to groom one another. It would be fun to sit and watch them interact with each other and the visitors.

  8. Wonderful that they have been rescued to a better environment. That's a good friend to find all his buddy's fleas! (Or whatever he's looking for.)

  9. I am always happy to see evidence of someone or a group who care for animals!

  10. How lovely that they are being looked after so well now Marianne. It's a win win situation ✨
