donderdag 21 februari 2019

Rijksmuseum exhibition

"Everyone  photographed" was the slogan in 1900 that the Amsterdam photo trader Joan Guy the Coral encouraged the people to go photograph and buy a hand camera. At the end of the nineteenh century, it was mainly prosperous young people with an interest in new gadgets that brought the Netherlands to photograph. From their common interests as cycling, they founded associations, held soirees and went on excursions.

This is a photo dating from 1892 on board of a ship and shows how the amateurs made completely other photos of each other than the stately portraits so far.

There were many photoalbums exposed.

With very small photos.

And some old hand cameras of course.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Uma exposição muito interessante, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. I love photo exhibits, especially ones with old photos.

  3. What a fantastic exhibit. I wish I could see it in person. It makes me think of my very first camera, a little square Kodak Brownie.

  4. Ik was er maandag. Jouw bovenste foto had ik op insta gezet en morgen een blogje over de tentoonstelling

    1. Leuk, ik was er dinsdag dus we hebben elkaar niet gezien :)

  5. Great exhibit. Thank you for sharing your photos of it.

  6. I love to see old photos. They give a glimpse of a life we will never really know.

  7. Those photo exhibits are always a pleasure to attend.

  8. Remind me of the old Brownie camera I used as a child.

  9. ...and with that technology they took some very good photos.

  10. Photography certainly has been around for a long time, I wonder what those first photographers with their box cameras would think of today's digital cameras 😊 Happy weekend Marianne.

  11. Wat leuk, die foto waarop die meneer zo springt!
