dinsdag 14 mei 2019

Wedding clothes

I am still a bit in the wedding mood of last Saturday. When my daughter had  the wedding announced, the question arose "What to wear?" A whole new world was opened for me, it is quite a business the bridal thing. Normally I am not used to wear formal clothes but in this case I had to. I searched the internet and found a formal dress designed by couturier "Mart Visser"which happened to have a rather deep neckline in the back  when it arrived. So I ordered a fitting jacket to it to cover the chilly neck. I thought I was ready now but but my daughter mentioned that the groom's mother was wearing a headpiece!

After another search I found this one in a headshop in Amsterdam.We both had discovered the fascinator and wore it well the whole day. A moment after this photo before we had dinner, we both had enough of it, got the giggles and put it off with a sigh...

But is was all worth it to see them so happy together!

A look at the back of the dress with many buttons!
Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

18 opmerkingen:

  1. You look so elegant. That colour really suits you.

  2. Gefeliciteerd, jullie zagen er prachtig uit!

  3. How beautiful! You look soooo elegant. I think hat shopping with a friend would be lots of laughs. Not that i ever wear a hat ....

  4. You look gorgeous in your 'mother of the bride' outfit Marianne, the groom's mum looks good fun too, it's so much fun when you get the giggles 😀 Your daughter's dress is soooo beautiful, she is a stunning bride 💙

  5. You look quite elegant. I love fascinators even though I've never worn one yet.
    The bride is beautiful and so is the dress.
    It seems the weather cooperated...
    Best wishes to all.

  6. You look beautiful! It is so nice that the weather was so grand for them!

  7. You chose a beautiful dress and it looks perfect on you. The bride, of course looks stunning. What a happy occasion.

  8. How interesting that you both chose similar black fascinators, and you both look good in them too.
    The bride and groom look to be very well matched, they make a lovely couple.

  9. jullie zagen er beeldig uit Marianne

    mijn welgemeende gelukwensen

  10. Jullie zagen er prachtig uit. Chique hoor!

  11. YOU look MARVELOUS! And the bride and groom did well too.

  12. You look lovely Marianne, the blue suits you.
    Your daughter looked very pretty too. I've never worn fascinators but I find them fun.

  13. I so enjoyed seeing pictures of the bride and groom....her dress is lovely. You did a great job picking
    out your dress. You look very pretty in that color...Love the fascinator.

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