dinsdag 3 maart 2020

At the Market

Who is wearing these nowadays anymore. My father always wore a hat because he was bald.

Lost in Amsterdam? 
Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Happy shopping. This market has something for everyone.

  2. Ooooh! Lots of interesting things here Marianne, the lost Scot in the kilt made me smile 😊

  3. My father would never go out without a hat and he had a full head of hair! Intersting market.

  4. How Cool Is That - So Simple Yet Offering Up Everything


  5. My dad used to wear a hat too! Lots of things to see at the market.

  6. Hello, looks like a nice market place to explore. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

  7. You find all kinds of products that make you wonder. I think with the hats somebody is trying to get rid of them. they are very nice hats but if I bought one would I ever wear it?

  8. I love browsing markets just to see what's there. My dad used to wear a hat like one of those. I guess they were popular in the 40s and 50s.

  9. I'd see if I could find a fedora. The problem is my head's a big one.

  10. Dat maakt het ook leuk om op een markt rond te kijken.
