donderdag 5 maart 2020

Carlos Amorales, Black Cloud

In the Municipal Museum of Modern Art in Amsterdam I saw an exhibition of Mexican artist Carlos Amorales.  These clouds of black mots cover the walls and ceilings of several cabinets.
You can read his explanation about this work "here"

A view outside, even the window is covered with mots.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. All those moths on the outside would be an amazing sight to see.

  2. Hello, what an awesome exhibit. I love the butterflies. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  3. Very interesting! From the Thumbnail I thought this was beautiful patterned wallpaper.

  4. Ah die was ik vergeten. En ik heb nog wel zo'n leuke foto van mijn jongste kleindochter tussen al die motjes

  5. This has been to the Phoenix Art Museum on two different occasions. The most recent was just last year. I got so I missed them when they were gone. So I'm glad to see them again here.

  6. Incredible looking.
    The link you placed for the artist's explanation doesn't work.

  7. I saw them at the Phoenix Art Museum once, too. Kind of eerie.

  8. How interesting. When I looked at the first photo I thought they were bats. I love the ones you can see from the window. How clever!
