maandag 9 maart 2020


On our walk yesterday in our neighbourhood we noticed that the municipality of Almere had the crazy idea to cut down a lot of trees.

It makes me always so sad, it was a beautiful parc and they didn't stand in anyone's way. The birds loved them. We need the trees not the wood!

13 opmerkingen:

  1. It blows my mind when I see something like this.

  2. Oh no that's shocking Marianne, so sad :(

  3. Wow, that is sad. I hate to see trees cut down too.

  4. Although they don't look it but I wonder if they were diseased.

  5. Always sad to see a tree go. I wonder why they cut them. Are they clearing for something to go in that spot?

  6. I can never understand why they don't consult with citizens when they want to do something major like this.

  7. Oh that's so sad Marianne, hopefully they will replace them with others 🌳🌳
