zondag 19 april 2020


Looking in the archives I found this photo from 2016 with fellowblogger Bob Crowe and his wife from "St. Louis Daily Photo" . We had a nice meeting and diner in Amsterdam. The London bus in the background is not familiar here, probably a touristsbus.

The restaurant was in the former department store V&D, that doesn't exists  anymore.

And with hubby "sccollections"

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Blogging has created so many connections. Good to look back at themthe photos and enjoy the memories.

  2. Beautiful memories and connections! During the early years of my Cavite Daily Photo I also made some friends in the blogging world, one of them was Joy from UAE who has been a good friend of mine until now. Wish you more beautiful memories! Stay Safe and greetings from the Philippines!

  3. Oh wow, I recognize that couple. It's so much fun to meet with fellow bloggers.

  4. Memories are forever. Nice that you both got to spend some time with Bob and his wife.

  5. Looks like you had a nice time. I remember V and D I shopped at the one in The Hague.

  6. Oh I recognised Bob and Carolyn right away Marianne, what fun 💛
