zaterdag 25 april 2020


Do you know the feeling when you find the perfect fitting jeans? I was very glad with this one here wearing on holidays in Ireland in 2014. A few days later I  tripped over a kerbstone and fell flat on the street. I hurt my knee and the jeans had a big hole. The next days my knee was swollen and it hurt to wear tight trousers. I didn't have much other clothes to wear with me only another tight jeans.
The rest of the trip I stumbled on in pants with a hole as I we didn't visit any places where I could find a shop to buy something else.

In Kilkenny I finally found a shop where I could buy a thin wide pants, that released the sore knee. Not really my taste, it felt like I walked in my pyjama trousers in Dublin ha,ha.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. You were already in fashion with torn jeans Marianne :)
    Hope the knee didn't take long to heal or that the fall didn't leave lasting problems.

  2. Nood breekt wet, maar ik vind ‘m niet op een pyamabroek lijken hoor 😁

  3. Cute jeans...happy you were able to find a comfortable substitute.

  4. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who does things like that. I remember a brand new pair of white jeans that I loved. The very first time I wore them, I tripped and fell in some grass and got grass stains all over them.

  5. Ja een goeie, goed passende spijkerbroek is, als je die vindt...heel erg fijn

  6. I understand your feeling about finding pants with the perfect fit! It’s not easy and when you do find them it is very sad to fall down and make a hole.

  7. Thats a funny story. Hope you didn't do too much damage to your knee. Take care. No more falls.
