vrijdag 29 mei 2020


This is something we don't see and hear here anymore for weeks now. Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam has been closed for weeks already  since the start of the Pandemic outbreak. It is strange that you get used to the noice of an aeroplane, but now everything is quiet we hear the birds singing in the garden. Once or twice we have  heard a plane flying over and said  "Did you hear that, a  plane!". Linking to "Skywatch Friday"

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hier kwamen deze week twee straaljagers over, met echt heel veel lawaai. 'Zijn we in oorlog?', zeiden we. Het was heel raar.

  2. Hello, things are slowly going back to normal. It will be nice to travel safely again. Pretty skywatch! Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  3. I have the same experience here. Very few jets flying overhead anymore!

  4. I can see the lights from planes taking off here. Thankfully I can't hear them. I still see them every night but just not as many as I used to see. My sister who lives about a 100 miles north of here has noticed that she doesn't see hardly any flying over right now and she used to see them all the time.

  5. Wij zeiden de afgelopen week ook al dat er weer strepen in de lucht waren te zien.

  6. It used to be normal to to see them fly over here. Not any more. I haven't seen a plane 8 weeks.

  7. I see about one plane a day going from Europe to L.A.

  8. yup, not a sight to see often, sigh, sigh

  9. I've heard that our airport is only dealing with five flights a day.

  10. It's exactly the same here Marianne, I like it, it's a shame it will revert back to the usual fairly soon ✨
