woensdag 10 juni 2020


Last Sunday we had a pre celebration of our 50 years mariage in Abcoude. With daughter and SIL we had a lunch in the location where they had their mariage reception and dinner last year. There were only a three tables in one room with much distance to each other.

After lunch we made a walk in the surroundings and passed a fortress.

Where we could have a look inside in narrow corridors.

I am always glad to see the daylight again.

The fortress was surrounded by water with water lilies.
It was a relief to be in an other place than home after the Corona lock downs since March.
The restrictions are a bit more relaxed now here, this was a first step for us in the outside, we drove by car and didn't see any other people in the place.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. So good you were able to go out and celebrate your 50th anniversary.
    The lake area looks very nice.

  2. Tja, die eerste stappen terug in het vorige leven hè. Best lastig. Fijn dat jullie het op deze manier toch konden vieren!

  3. Fijn om er weer eens op uit te gaan, en helemaal leuk op zo'n bijzondere dag.

  4. What a great way to celebrate. It must have felt great to be out and about.

  5. How nice you can finally be out and about for celebration as special as this! Such a pretty place,too.

  6. It was wonderful that you could celebrate with your family members outside in a lovely place.

  7. I am pleased that you both had the opportunity to be with your daughter and SiL for your 50th anniversary celebration lunch.

  8. It does seem good to get out even if we are a bit worried about.it.

  9. Congratulations. It must have been so nice to be able to get out and celebrate.
