zaterdag 20 juni 2020


Madame innocence taking a rest from an exciting day.  She had yesterday chased a black mouse from the garden into the house. It was a  tiny black one without a tail that was hiding itself behind sofa's and bookcases. We couldn't catch him and went finally to bed. The next morning we expected to find a dead mouse as Sofietje sleeps in the same floor at night. But no way he was still alive, I could see  him running along the baseboards of the bookcases. Sofietje was all morning sniffing and looking behind the televison between the cords. In the afternoon I noticed him suddenly running towards the open door of the garden. He jumped on the treshold and stopped! I tread lightly to the door and closed it with a bang and gone he was into the garden! Pooh...!

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello, Cute photos of Sofietje! I am glad the mouse is outside now!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  2. What a perfect post for the theme! I loved the suspense...and happy your critter has exited the premises !

  3. Oh those pussycats are so mischievous Marianne, looks like this time the mouse was smarter 😀

  4. Oh my goodness! I've glad you got to see it GET OUT! I would be watching for it every day! And what a beautiful cat...oh and a good hunter!

  5. Sounds like your cat had fun while hunting. Your cat's markings are beautiful.

  6. Lot's of excitement at your house! Cats are natural hunters!

  7. Glad the mouse got out. I've had my cats bringing mice into the house and then eat them! Gross

  8. Im sure you will sleep better without your mouse visitor and the mouse is much happier far away from the cat! Such excitement!

  9. There must have been a change for the better on Blogger. Normally your blog and a few others will not recognize my Google account and I can't leave a comment. This is a face of alertness we know well in our home.

  10. Uh Oh Sofie needs to do better next time.

  11. I bet that mouse won't visit again. :)
