woensdag 5 augustus 2020


Corona hairstyle after the lockdown

I felt like an Afghan greyhound.

Hairdressers opened their salons at last!

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Looking nice Marianne. My hair has also grown a lot, but I haven't had the time to go to the hairdresser yet, as I've been working more hours.

  2. Thanks for making me laugh. Lucky me... my granddaughter cut my hair throughout the pandemic.

  3. HA!! I know how you feel. I've actually been cutting my own hair. At least I've been able to control the bangs and the length but, all the other stuff my hairdresser does it getting missed. It makes my hair look a bit uneven. Our salons opened up weeks ago but then the numbers shot up again so I didn't go. Now they are closed again.

  4. Oh you made me smile Marianne 😊 you look gorgeous ✨

  5. Hahaha ja veel mensen hadden datzelfde gevoel.

  6. LOL, people here are talking about their hair going wild. Hairdressers just opened last week here and are busy as ever.

  7. I got a haircut a few weeks age but the next one will be when covid is over. It felt unsafe.

  8. Wat voel je je dan heerlijk fris hè. Eindelijk die lange slierten eraf.

  9. I was trimming my own hair, but finally got a much needed haircut. You are pretty in both pictures.

  10. It hasn't been an issue for me, though at some point in the next month or so I'll have to buy fresh razor blades.
