donderdag 3 september 2020


The weather was great yesterday and we made a cycling tour in the surroundings.

We passed this wooden bridge that recently was mysterious damaged by someone unknown. The roadsurface of wooden planks was broken. A further investigation revealed that someone from the Almere municipality must have driven over the bridge with an electric lawnmower that was too heavy. The yellow sign on the right reads "Prohibited for motor vehicles" . The driver can be glad he did not end up in the water.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. I hope they are able to repair it so that people can walk on it again.

  2. Bijzonder dat die persoon van de gemeente dat niet gemeld heeft..

  3. A lawnmower! Guy (and it must have been a guy) must have been too embarrassed to admit what he did. :-)

  4. Why is there always someone who does what they shouldn't! Hopefully it will be fixed soon Marianne 💜

  5. A bad decision. Maybe reading a sign is too complicated for him. Mark is probably right, it was a guy. :)

  6. He was lucky! Maybe he can’t read???

  7. It would be nice if they caught the idiot who did the damage.
