zaterdag 12 september 2020


 I like cycling very much so my husband bought us once  a folding bicycle that we could take  with us in the car and have a ride in the country. We drove to a wood land and unfolded the bicycles and off hubby went on a bumpy wood path that went up and down. I followed slowly on that strange bike and felt very uncomfortable. I had the feeling I could fall off my bike any minute. At some point I stepped down and refused to go on, I was to scared. This bike I never used anymore I had my own normal bike to ride around everywhere. My son in law has one of his own to get by train to his work and we gave mine to my daughter so they can both go anywhere by train as they have no car.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Ja, dat snap ik geloof ik wel. Ik zou al moeite hebben om hem in elkaar te zetten. Maar jammer want het was wel een goed idee

  2. I have never ridden one of those bikes so I will take your word that they don't feel as safe as a normal bike.

  3. I've seen these mostly on television and I've always wondered how it felt to ride one.

  4. Om mee te nemen in de trein zijn ze wel makkelijk lijkt mij. Jammer dat het je zelf niet goed beviel.

  5. That doesn't look sturdy. You definitely don't want to have a tumble off the bike, not good for the bones. You made a great executive decision!

  6. It looks more like a folded wheelchair. The last time I rode a bicycle I needed a steroid injection in my knee.

  7. A fold up bike may be handy but it's the performance that counts. Yes , safety is an issue with bikes.

  8. It's all in the way it feels Marianne, if it didn't feel comfortable you did the right thing, plus your daughter can now ride it ✨
