maandag 11 januari 2021

Monday Mural

 One from the archives of 2014 in the demolition area in Amsterdam. Every piece of wall was painted with murals there. A real paradise for artists. Linking to "Monday Mural"

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Interesting. There is a lot going on in this mural.

  2. A nice bird :) So many old walls waiting for the artists.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Marianne.

  3. There appears to be graffiti along with great artwork. I especially like the child.

  4. Construction sites are a great place for artists to practice their mural painting skills. There is a lot of variety at this one.

  5. This may sound strange, but this reminded me of something I would create in one of my altered books. It is beautiful.

  6. Dat boefje vind ik leuk. De combi ook

  7. Ooh die mus is mooi. Die zie je niet vaak op een muur geschilderd.

  8. Lots to see on this wall Marianne, maybe a bit of Banksy there, boy in striped suit 😉 So nice to look back and see your chilly weather and rain, it's been so blooming hot here in Perth, much hotter than normal for this time of the year. Missing my grandchildren, they flew back to Sydney a few days ago ✨ Hope yourself and s.c. are both happy and well 💙
