maandag 25 januari 2021

Monday Mural

 Another one from the archives of 2014 at the Berlin Wall about the "Earth Day"

And Russian President Gorbatsjov at a symbolic steering wheel.
Linking to "Monday Mural"

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Political murals, excellent find Marianne ✨

  2. A nice one with the animals on the Berlin wall and Gorbachev does look quite similar to the real one. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Marianne.

  3. These two have some historic relevance. They are interesting to see.

  4. Mooi hoe muurschilderingen je aan het denken kunnen zetten.

  5. Nice murals, excellent find. I agree with Sami about Gorbachev, it does look like him.

  6. That first one is spectacular. The second one is interesting.
