maandag 31 mei 2021

"Dutch Mountain"

We climbed our local "Dutch Mountain" yesterday at a sunny day at last after all the rains we had for weeks. It is not a natural mountain but made of garbage and now overgrown with grass.

A flock of sheep is taking care of the  grass around and they climb also up the mountain, where the grass always is greener.

The view from the top is not so spectacular, only green trees around.


10 opmerkingen:

  1. It looks lovely, even if it is actually on top of a garbage pile.

  2. All that green looks very good to me. I bet it felt good to be out after all that rain.

  3. Looks nice and it's funny that the garbage is just under the grass. the sheep will keep the area well groomed. The rain stopped here too and is not suppose to return this week. We'll see. :)

  4. A mountain made of garbage is completely new to me, but it looks far better covered in grass than left as a pile of rubbish.

  5. Looks good Marianne, an excellent cover up 😉

  6. :-) We have our own "Mt. Trashmore" in Virginia Beach.
