dinsdag 31 augustus 2021

Cat Cafe

I had a drink in the "Cat Cafe" in Almere. Several cats are walking around and you can pet them while having a tea or coffee.

Some sit on a pole.

This beauty was playing and had been drinking water under my chair.

They are all very friendly and used to people. Linking to "Our World Tuesday"


8 opmerkingen:

  1. Such cuties! Did Sofietje sniff you a lot and wonder where you'd been when you got home?

  2. I can just imagine Sofietje when you got home Marianne 😀 We have a cat cafe here in Perth also, you have just encouraged me to visit there ✨

  3. That must have been so much fun! I'd enjoy that.

  4. We have a cat cafe in our town and all the kitties stay there while they are waiting for someone to adopt them. I can’t resist walking by the window and playing with them through the glass when I walk by. I want to take them all home!

  5. I haven't been to our Perth cat cafe yet. I actually have a sign post about the cat cafe to be posted in 2 weeks :)
