donderdag 19 augustus 2021

Public Library

 In 2009 I retired from my job in the Public Library in Almere as I had reached a certain age. I worked at several places as here at the media processing department where the various materials were linked to the lending system by means of barcodes.

Books ready for  sale as to old or not relevant any more.

A view at our department room.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Do you ever miss the work environment? I'm sure I would.

  2. Doing different jobs during your lifetime keeps work interesting.

  3. Thank you for the work you did and the knowledge you shared and still share!

  4. That must have been an interesting job.

  5. Working in a library must have been super Marianne.. surrounded by books would be nice 💛

  6. As a young child I used to think working in a library must be the best job in the world.
