zondag 5 september 2021

Memory Lane

 We payed a visit at the village Nagele. 

Nagele arose as a concept village between 1954 and 1974 in the Noordoostpolder (today the province of Flevoland). Avant-garde architectural groups 'De 8' and 'Opbouw' were able to express their ideas from the 1930s about modern urban planning in the design of this residential core for farm workers.

There was a house furnised with the original furniture of the fiftees. That was as if I stepped back in my own past, the same chairs, stove and the drying rack with laundry in front of the coal stove.

A rattan chair I had in my bedroom.

I also had a folding bed with curtain to make room in the small bedroom.

The games I played, Monopoly and Puzzles and my brother had Meccano.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat superleuk m te zien, dit. Wij waren laatst naar Urk en gingen op de terugweg langs Nagele, maar we hadden te weinig tijd, dus dit heb ik allemaal niet gezien!

  2. It must have felt like stepping back in your childhood to visit this home. I’ve never seen a folding bed like yours.

  3. I can see that drawing out memories for you.
