maandag 13 september 2021

Monday Mural

 A mural in the underground of Amsterdam. Linking to "Monday Mural"

7 opmerkingen:

  1. En daarnaast zat een hondje? Hoe dan ook leuk

  2. Quite a fat cat, makes my cats look skinny :) And I can spot a sweet dog too.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Marianne.

  3. I love that cat. I used to have a calico cat and they are so sweet.

  4. Who wouldn't love this fat cat? It sure looks healthy and happy. Lovely colorings, too.

  5. What a fantastic mural. My mother used to have a cat like that, fat and multi coloured. I remember she fed him a spoonful of food twice a day so he would lose some weight. He always was looking for another bite to eat. :)
