zaterdag 9 oktober 2021


The temperatures are getting colder so Sofietje sleeps in her cat basket again. It used to be a fruit basket hubby once received from his colleauges when he was ill. Linking to "Saturday's Critters"

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello,
    What a cute photo of Sophie, she looks comfy in the basket.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for your visit and comment.

  2. Sophie is a beauty. She looks all snuggly in the basket.

  3. She fills out the basket for sure! How sweet!

  4. Sometimes you have just got to curl up in a warm spot and sleep.

  5. Happy sleeping. My cats will only go in their baskets once in a while, they prefer our bed or the sofa of course :) Enjoy the weekend Marianne.

  6. Her very special sleeping basket. :)

  7. Hello, What a peaceful image of your sleeping cat, She looks so comfy in her basket.:=)
