vrijdag 5 november 2021


 We always see  a lot of aeroplanes here, we live under a runway in the sky to and from Schiphol aeroport  in Amsterdam. During covid times last year it was suddenly very quiet in the sky. 

Linking to "Skywatch Friday"

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Enjoy... passenger flights are on a come back.

  2. Greetings and Salutations! Lovely sight to see after the Covid-19 stopped the heavy traffic the sky once was. Nice job!

  3. I noticed that same thing. I can see the lights of planes taking off from our airport from my balcony. At the beginning of the pandemic, suddenly there weren't as many lights.

  4. Fantastic shot in a beautiful sky with lots of clouds and a plane. Wonder where they are going.

  5. Beautiful! Our local air traffic is still noticeably lighter than pre-COVID.

  6. Our primary flight paths going in and out of our airport lie south of the core, so the only time I see planes of that type are if they're passing over at full altitude.

  7. I've been following with great interest the development of electric aircraft for commercial use.

  8. We live near a military base, and have fighter jets and helicopters making noise overhead.

  9. We are almost under a flight path too and noticed the sky was a lot less noisy for a while. It's starting to get a little bit busier now.
