zaterdag 14 januari 2012

Closing time

Closing time at the market.

And the remains.

The statue you can  see in the first photo is of a famous Amsterdam teacher "Theo Thijssen" with a pupil. He wrote many nice books about schoollife in the poor years of the early 20th Century. He was a socialistic politician as well. You can have a better look of the statue here

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh mooi vooral die bovenste foto en foto twee, ja dat heb je bij sluitingstijd.
    Groetjes , Riet

  2. They certainly left a lot of crap behind.


  3. Weer mooie fotos en verhalen over Amsterdam. Ik geniet er telkens van.

    Fijn weekeind, Marianne.

  4. haha, so thats no difference from here in boston; its the same mess after the market... but without the nice statue..

  5. Nice statue The remains of the market place reminds me of home. As we lived in the middle of town we had a market on our doorstep and woke up early every thursday morning
