maandag 13 februari 2012

Last winter picture?

After a family visit in Rotterdam we had to drive back home in a snowstorm. There were all kinds of weather-warnings to be carefull on the roads because the snow was going to change in rain and that would give a very ice road. We managed to come home safe but later in the evening many traffic-accidents happened. Pffffff. Temperatures are rising now to above zero, so winter is slowing down.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Ja zo zag het er gisteren uit, plotsklaps sneeuw. Van mij mag de winter over zijn maar we zitten pas op half Februari dus er kan nog van alles komen. Ik begin wel in de vakantie boeken te kijken. Daar klaar je dan weer van op.
    Fijne dag nog!!

  2. Gosh that looks like a scary drive. Happy to hear you made it safely home!

  3. oh my goodness.
    I assume you were not driving!!

  4. Don't worry, we will get an other portion.


  5. Oh I guess I think we in the south here in the USA are the only ones not really equipped for snowy weather. Here we just shut down when we get the snow!

  6. ow, i wrote a comment but i guess it got lost..
    good you came home safely! happy that the cold is ending? i do like all the snow photos, especially the one with the iceskating.. :)

  7. Hope Spring arrives soon and then I'm looking forward to your Keukenhof photos!!! :-)
