donderdag 17 januari 2013

Still snow fun

The weather was so nice frosty with sun yesterday, I couldn't resist to go out again. This is at the dike with the Gooi-lake close to where we live.

And the usual snow fun for children with sledges (this time the right ones of wood) to slide down.

Who says the Netherlands is a flat country, doesn't this looks like the Alps?

12 opmerkingen:

  1. I still love to go sledding. Lovely photos, the first shot is beautiful. Have a happy day!

  2. Your snow is beautiful.I'd love to have some,but it's still avoiding us in Edinburgh!


  3. wow. That is a cool expanse of snow.
    Must have been such fun for the kids!!

  4. Now the "sledges" remind me of the sled I had as a kid - these are the best kind to go sledding. Nice to see everyone playing OUT in the snow.

  5. Wish to be there, at least for a couple of hours.

  6. oooh, so nice!
    and im reading about the elfstedentocht again, my goodness....

  7. Haha! Maybe not quite the Alps Marianne. So much snow still, looks like a chilly weekend for you.

  8. Here in Sicily it's very cold and the windy is icy but we hardly ever get snow, except maybe on top of Mt. Etna. It looks beautiful, I miss snow. My mother was Russian so she used to talk about the tons of snow they had there, they used to carry milk without cartons since it just simply froze:) We lived in New York for many years and I remember once I couldn't go to school because there was too much snow in the city and everything closed down. Your pictures are just gorgeous!

  9. The top pic is just gorgeous ..... beautifully captured.

  10. Love the top shot and it sure looks fun for the kids. Not quite the Alps.
