vrijdag 7 juni 2013

A walk in the park

We enjoy some pretty nice weather at the moment and went for a walk in the Kromslootpark in Almere Haven. It is a nice park with sheep to keep the grass short. To prevent them of walking away you have to pass some fences and have to watch they keep behind. This one was eager to cross the bridge but we managed to pass him.

They have plenty room to walk around and a lot to eat.

It is a beautiful park where you hardly see any other visiters.

The park was created before the first houses of the new town Almere Haven were built and after 38 years it has devellopped a nice nature to have close by, only a 15 minutes bike ride from our home.

One of the wooden bridges to cross the little ditches.
I link this one to the Friday Fences meme.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. What pretty country scenery. Very lush and green. I love that bridge in the last shot. Very photogenic.

  2. such a pretty place...i like that first photo with the little sheep peeking at you :)

  3. O LOVE that bridge! I like the idea of using sheep to keep the grass short. We have an area (soon to become a park) near where I live that se cattle to keep the grass short. Yes, they have to be fenced in too. :)

  4. A lovely place for a walk and forget the city.

  5. Wonderful! you're so lucky to have this peaceful oasis so close by.

  6. very pretty countryside...love that little bridge!

  7. Very pretty green, lush countryside. Love the different fences you found along the way.

  8. Lekker zo'n rustig park maar wel zonde dat er zo weinig mensen van genieten. Mooie foto,s

  9. Ziet er prachtig uit. Inderdaad bijzonder dat het er zo rustig is.

  10. they have a great place to graze and live!

    thanks for coming by! i've seen you around blogland but don't think we've ever connected! glad fences brought us to visit! :)

  11. What beautiful country :) You just made my day

  12. This is indeed a lovely park. I would love to come here to walk and enjoy nature all about me and even be accompanied by some friendly sheet. They are very smart, clever animals to know the way out is on the other side of the bridge. As I gazed through your photos, I saw such beauty and I love the shot with the tree. Have a wonderful day :)

  13. Its so nice to have this wonderful green space within riding distance Marianne, l think they must be the best fed sheep I've seen in a long time :)

  14. so much green! and the sheep is cute
