woensdag 18 februari 2015


I noticed a a sign in the city The Hague with a cute addition, a stork on top. The stork can be seen in the coat of arms of the city and dates back to 1816. There are two versions why the stork is chosen.  1.Storks were formerly supposed to bring good luck. 2. The frequent use of storks on the fish markets in city center next to the vegetable market. The storks were clipped and kept the fish markets clean. Linking to signs, signs

17 opmerkingen:

  1. This is a really good find and very interesting information. I knew they brought good luck, but did not know about being clipped and kept the fish markets clean. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I would say you win the sign sign post! Love this information. Janey

  3. I'd feel sorry for the storks except that it would seem they were well provided for as a result. :-)

  4. I had never heard of the stork as being a clean up bird. Thanks for the picture!

  5. Huh? I thought that's where babies came from.

  6. Dat laatste van de vismarkt wist ik niet. Wel bijzonder!

  7. I'm with John! We don't have storks so we've heard all kinds of stories about storks. Now I'm going to have to look up storks.

  8. I wouldn't have thought of a stork as a cleanup bird either, but it certainly fits.

  9. That probably was a pretty efficient way to keep the markets clean back in the day! And the statue makes a cute and different addition to an ordinary signpost.

  10. I love the stork. Interesting story about how they were used to clean up the fish market.

  11. That is interesting and I like that the stork is gold. I have seen wood storks here sitting in trees, usually around lakes.

  12. Looks like an Egrets over here. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. Dearest Marianne,
    That is a very lovely decoration on top of those street signs.
    Wish we could view more like that around.

  14. Yes I agree with above, what a very lovely idea.. Maybe it could relate to the street name.. I guess it could be a wee bit distracting :)

  15. Yes I agree with above, what a very lovely idea.. Maybe it could relate to the street name.. I guess it could be a wee bit distracting :)
