dinsdag 3 maart 2015

Bicycles, bicycles

Did we first had a car parking problem in Amsterdam, now the bicycle parking is totally out of control. This is the situation at the Central Railway Station, where many people drop their bike to get a train. The Dutch have always used a bike as transport but the population has increased dramatically with amongst others many students.

Bike parkings are realised like the bicycle apartment building in the water with three floors but it seems never enough. Now there are plans to go underground. 

16 opmerkingen:

  1. No way! I don't think I've ever seen so many bicycles Marianne!

  2. I have neve.r even thought of a parking garage for bicycles. I am most impressed looking at the columns and columns of bicycles......and three floors to them. Wow, imagine!qa! Nice Shot

  3. How in the world do they find the bicycle that is their bicycle? Amazing. We did see these huge groups of bikes when we were in Copenhagen.

  4. Wow, sooo many bicycles, fantastic !

  5. I remember I was really impressed to see so much bikes when I was in Amsterdam !
    Always wondering how people do recognise their own !

  6. Oh my! Now where did I park my bike?

  7. Wow! I have never seen so many bikes in one place before.

  8. We have to start taking lessons from the Dutch about using bicycles for getting to work. We need places to park bikes like you show hee.

  9. I would be worried about finding my bike in the midst of all those. Much cheaper to build bicycle parking than car parking, so good for the Dutch!

  10. How on earth does one find their own bike?

  11. I thought I had problems finding my car; I would never find a bicycle in all those.

  12. That reminds me of when if visited China in the 1970s - now they all drive around in cars - the world has been turned up-side-down.

  13. That's an unbelievable number of bikes! How on earth do people find the right one when they return...

  14. You really have a lot bykes. I wonder how anybody can find their own one there...
    And I see you have warm, sun and spring.
    Lovely photo!
