dinsdag 10 maart 2015

Spring time

The crocuses have popped out of the ground in the parks as a sign of spring.

The fragile little flowers you see only in spring time.

In my garden they also bloom. Temperatures are really very pretty here at the moment 14 C (57.2F) degrees in the afternoon with lots of sunshine.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. I know ours is just around the corner.....and yours are so pretty. I still have 5 feet of snow where my spring tulips come up, but hey - it could rain for 4 days and melt it all away - but that is not happening anytime soon - we have sunshine and spring warmth in the afternoon now and that is a blessing that "Spring" - is just around the corner. I love the moss on the trees in the park - very pretty too.

  2. I LOVE spring flowers, esp the dainty crocus. When our children were small I always kept pots of crocus in the nursery.

  3. Daffodils are blooming here in Texas, and the bluebonnets are just about to spring open.

  4. So gorgeous! The snow has just begun to melt here.

  5. Your one pot is just loaded with flowers. Looks nice.

  6. So pretty I remember the crocuses in the medians in early Spring, when I lived there. A beautiful memory.

  7. Crocuses look like small pieces of joy jumping out from the ground !

  8. They come up here too, but it'll be some weeks yet, probably late April, early May.

  9. I love the way crocuses open wide their faces in the sunshine

  10. Het woelt gewoon lekker dat de lente terug komt.


  11. They look fabulous, summer can't be that far away..

  12. Lovely flowers! I'm glad the temperatures are warming up for you.

  13. Plants sense the warmth and use the light to decide when to go. Early flowers make things pleasant.

  14. Prachtige bloemen ! Always my favourite as a first sign of spring.

    Fijne woensdag, Marianne.

  15. The first spring flowers are the best Marianne, lovely shots.

  16. The first spring flowers are the best Marianne, lovely shots.
