woensdag 20 juli 2016

Evening walk

The weather is always all or nothing here, after weeks of rain and cold we jumped yesterday into a heat of 36 C degrees (96.8 F). The evenings are long now with daylight until 11, so we made a little walk along the dike to cool down.

With the sun shining behind us we had fun with making silly photo's.

Hubby with a halo.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Leuk die schaduwen. Familie Langbeen ;)

  2. Depois das chuvas sabe sempre bem um sol e boas temperaturas, gostei das fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  3. Daylight until 11 P.M. appeals to me. Same temps here. It has been a hot dry summer.

  4. In Zweden was het nog langer licht, en werd het 's nachts zelfs niet helemaal donker. Heerlijk.
    Leuke schaduwfoto's!

  5. Lovely shadow photos. Enjoy the summer weather!

  6. We've been having a weird summer here too! Enjoy the nice weather while you can!

    PS: Thanks for the explanation of the dolls. :D

  7. J'adore this post Marianne, have been feeling a bit blue, made me happy to see yourself and s.c having fun 😃 gosh that was a hot day!

  8. You're getting a good deal of daylight. Heat like that is very hard in your part of the world.

  9. Fun shadows ...hot day! The long days in summer there were hard to get use to. There. My daughter didn't understand going to bed when the sun was still shining.

  10. I like that hand-holding one best.

  11. Walking in the evening is a wise move. that's one cool dude you're with!

  12. Ha ha love the shadow shots. Wow 36°C is a bit hot for you. We have 27°C in winter today.

  13. I know you all must have really enjoyed getting out and walking...but the temperature was HOT! Loved the shadow shots. It was obvious that the two of you were have yourselves a good old time. genie

  14. Love your self-portraits. There aren't too any wives that have proof that their dear husband is recognised for what he is. . .with a halo. Great portrait!

  15. I love also shadows by myself and others. Your shadows in hand a hand -photo is so romantic,
