woensdag 7 september 2016

Tram game

Sitting in the tram in Amsterdam I noticed this sign in front of me. The text is:

Ready to start?
1. Look to the right. Is the little PT- beast hanging there?
Yes? Start the game!
2. Close one eye and catch with the little PT-beast as much as possible passersby.
3. Playtime between two stops.
4. Not satisfied with your score? Start again at the next stop.

Level I: 3 passersby
Level II: 8 passersby
Level III: 12 passersby
Level IV: >12 passersby. very well done!

And this was the little PT (Public Transport) beast glued on the window at the right.

I didn't manage to catch one it was glued too high above the traffic.
Linking to "Signs, signs"

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Muito interessante.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  2. interesting entertainment to help pass the time.

  3. Okay, I didn't understand at first but now I get it.

  4. Looks like a fun game while on the bus, especially for kids.

  5. I guess it keeps people amused while they are riding the train.

  6. A fun game to pass the time I presume.

  7. How cute! I guess this is a less technical version of Pokemon Go. :)
