donderdag 30 juni 2011

Terrace (2)

Danny arrived at 4.30 afternoon (half hour late). Temperature was allright so he started working.

He was not alone, he had brought a companion, would they be able to finish it this evening?
My hopes were high.

After two hours work had done, he will come back tomorrow (same time, or earlier)
I have to mention that Danny has two jobs and he had worked all day, so I am patient of him.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. im curious of tomorrow's photos!
    the last one is rather empty... it should not start raining!

  2. Sounds like the way workmen behave everywhere! It's surprising how much mess even a small job makes.
    Too hot to work makes a change from too wet or too cold.Hopefully the finished result will be worth waiting for!

    Happy weekend!
