zondag 9 september 2012

Sunday Bridges

Some peoplein Amsterdam  park their bike on a bridge in  their own way.
See for more Sunday Bridges here

9 opmerkingen:

  1. It sure is an attention getter. The bike looks like it has been well used.

  2. What a great way to park a bike. I was fascinated in Amsterdam by the huge bike parks. Hundreds and hundreds of bikes all parked together. I wondered how people knew their own bike as they all looked very similar.

  3. Seems logical. The yellow makes it almost look like an artistic sculpture. - Margy

  4. I would have trouble getting it up there, not to mention getting it down!

  5. I agree with Lois. I think this person. Was strong!

  6. Funny way to park the bike. In Oz it would have to be chained on to the bridge or someone else would take it.
