zaterdag 24 november 2012

The green oven

In 1664 the baker Gerrit Barandsz had built a house in the "Kleine Kattenburgerstreet". In the facade he had sat a nice plaque of a baker in front of his oven, putting his bread in. In 1969 the whole neighbourhoud had to be demolished because the houses were to old. The plaque was removed and stored.
Unfortunately it was rather damaged by its old age and in 2007 the stone was completely restored with the help of photo archives.
In 2009 the stone was replaced, not on the newly built houses, but in a historical style,  new built facades of houses at the "Kattenburgersquare". Behind the facade is no barkery but a student apartment/ housing.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Gelukkig vond men het de moeite waard om te restaureren.

  2. They did a very nice restoration.

  3. How nice that this reminder of former times still remains. Happy weekend Marianne.

  4. Sometimes the history of a place is focused in a small detail. Lovely plaque and lucky new neighbourhood. Hugs.


    Barcelona Daily Photo

  5. Wat hebben Ze dat mooi gedaan. Ik heb het pas geleden ook op een blog gezien, ik weet niet meer bij wie.

  6. those windows are absolutely beautiful. Simple and charming.
    Those metal things on the wall. Are they for canopies that are no longer there? Either that or to stabilize the brick.

  7. nice!
    i bake bread too, bu not with such a huge oven... would be fun i think.

  8. I just love that third shot so much!

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