donderdag 1 november 2012


Last weekend we turned the clock an hour backwards from summertime to wintertime. Each year I am taken by surprise that the day ends in darkness so quickly now. In the bus from Amsterdam to Almere we were in a daily traffic jam.
And ended up in the dark at the busstop.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. I like wintertime because dawn early :)

  2. beeeh, i dont like the dark either. we change the clock not this weekend but the one after... but its already dark so early without changing the clock. beehhhhh!

  3. I do remember how the winter darkness came early. Such a contrast to your summer time.

  4. Ja het gaat echt heel snel nu. Ook wel weer gezellig.

  5. We do that this weekend! I don't like it :(

  6. I'm looking forward to turning my clocks back this weekend!
