woensdag 19 december 2012

Three trees and a Queen

Every year there is a big Christmas tree placed at Dam Square in Amsterdam in front of the palace. This one is 22 metres high and has 41.236 ledlights. I was a bit disappointed the lights were not on at this drizzly dark day, they probably wait until dark. But there were even no decorations, just a tree.
Suddenly I heard whistles of Police on motors and the traffic was stopped. Four black cars came speedy passing by and in one of them sat Queen Beatrix. I tried to make a picture but I am not a real papparazzi as you can see at the poor result. Later on I read she had just left the palace where she had lunch with the members of our Olympic sporting group. She doesn't live in this palace, it is only used for  events like this.
A little further on there was this tree at the stock exchange square. I think this one looks much more attractive.
Close to the Central Station at last I saw the most beautiful tree I have ever seen in Amsterdam. I was surprised to see so many trees this year at every square I passed.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Like you I enjoy seeing trees that are decorated and lit up.

  2. A very Christmassy pictures. DonĀ“t know why, but I especially like the second picture, perhaps because of its spontaneity when you took it.

  3. The second tree is my favourite as well Marianne. You have to wonder how the paparazzi get such good pictures when celebs and royalty move around so quickly.

  4. I don't picture the Netherlands having great forests to pluck large Christmas trees from but what do I know? I had to look it up to see more about the Queen.

  5. The perfect Christmas post! Thank you Marianne. You will be forgiven for not getting a better shot of Queen Beatrix. I am personally very happy you got excellent ones of the Christmas trees and Amsterdam's lovely streets. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Da's zeker een serieuze boom


  7. Wat bijzonder om net te zien hoe de koningin voorbij komt. De snelheid zit echt in de foto.. ;)

  8. I love watching different Christmas trees and how lovingly they are all decorated. May be there's still some time till they come to deck up the first one. The third picture is amazingly beautiful. Many thanks for sharing. :)

  9. How exciting to be there at the right moment. let's hope they are going to decorate that first tree.....Great post...Janey

  10. haha, funny, did you actually see her?
